A brief history of casinos in India

A brief history of casinos in India

You may not realize it, but some of the games of chance we know and enjoy today originated in India. However, there is a significant distinction between snakes and ladders and the roulette wheel. Casino gaming in India has a tangled history and present, and the ease with which you can access a gambling game or two will likely vary depending on where you are. This blog post will delve deeper into the origins of internet gambling in India, as well as where it is headed.

Origins of Casino Gambling in India

On some levels, it’s not surprising to hear that casino gambling in India has a lengthy history. In reality, some of what we now regard to be the world’s principal kinds of gambling started here many years ago. It, along with ancient Rome and China, is one of the oldest gaming hubs.

There is some evidence that an antecedent to the game craps, for example, existed in India when people wished to choose a new king – and that dice were used to make the decision. It’s not clear, but some say this is where craps originated. Fast forward a few centuries, and Indians who were active in sheep fighting found themselves erecting places for their games while also operating gambling games. As a result, these might be considered among of India’s first gaming websites.

The current picture

However, times can change. Today, casino gambling is illegal in all but a few Indian states. Only three states legalize casino gambling: Sikkim, Goa, and Daman, and this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

There are still plenty of possibilities for people who want to gamble in Indian casinos. Instead, they must go online, where it is lawful. It is totally feasible to play Fruit Shot Megaways, roulette, or poker, for example, but only from the comfort of your own house, without having to visit a physical venue. Whether this will alter in the coming decades remains to be seen, and will be determined in large part by the political will of state and federal governments throughout time.

Ultimately, it is clear that the history of casinos in India is multifaceted. To begin with, it is only permitted in a few number of jurisdictions – yet it is common for those who wish to gamble, both inside and outside of those places, to do so online. However, with a centuries-long gaming legacy, it is very feasible that Indian authorities may loosen their strict gambling laws and set up more in-person casinos.