Cockroach Racing: A Quirky World of Six-Legged Speedsters


Cockroach racing, an eccentric pastime that originated in Australia, has captured the imaginations of both enthusiasts and curious onlookers worldwide. These tiny, resilient insects transform into unlikely athletes, sprinting across makeshift tracks to the cheers of thousands. In this article, we delve into the fascinating history, modern trends, and essential rules of cockroach racing.

A Brief History

The tale of cockroach racing begins in 1982 at the Story Bridge Hotel in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Two spirited bar patrons engaged in a lively debate: Which suburb could boast the fastest roaches? To settle the dispute, they staged an impromptu race in a parking lot. Little did they know that this playful rivalry would birth an enduring tradition.

The Australia Day Cockroach Races

Every Australia Day (January 26), the Story Bridge Hotel hosts the Australia Day Cockroach Races—an event that draws crowds and generates fervor. Here are the key highlights:

  1. The Sprint: Roaches, carefully selected or even purchased on-site, compete in a 6-meter (20-foot) ring. The first cockroach to reach the edge of the ring claims victory.
  2. The Steeplechase: A variation of the race, where obstacles challenge the nimble insects.
  3. The Gold Cup: The main event, featuring thoroughbred cockroaches with quirky names like “Soft Cocky,” “Cocky Balboa,” and “Priscila-Queen of the Drains.”

Why Cockroaches?

Cockroaches, notorious for their speed, can scuttle at astonishing rates—up to 50 body lengths per second! In sprinter’s terms, that’s equivalent to a blistering 322 kilometers per hour (200 mph) or completing a 100-meter sprint in less than a second.

Beyond Australia: Cockroach Racing Worldwide

The phenomenon has transcended borders. In the United States, Loyola University Maryland hosts “Madagascar Madness: The Running of the Roaches.” Here, students train Madagascar cockroaches for short sprints and even marathon races. The event garners significant interest, drawing crowds eager to witness these six-legged competitors in action.

Rules and Guidelines

  1. Entry Fee: Participants pay an entry fee to join the races.
  2. Bring Your Roach: While some venues provide roaches, bringing your own from a stable is preferred.
  3. Charitable Cause: Proceeds from cockroach races often go to charity.


Cockroach racing, with its blend of absurdity and athleticism, continues to captivate audiences. So next time you spot a roach scurrying across your kitchen floor, imagine it as a potential champion on a miniature racetrack—a testament to the unexpected wonders of our world.

Remember: In the realm of cockroach racing, even the tiniest legs can carry big dreams.